Thornaby Fireworks at the Cricket Ground with Fireworks going off in front of the crowd

Thornaby Fireworks was hosted by Thornaby Cricket Club tonight, Friday 10 November 2023 after the spectacular event was delayed a week due to Storm Ciaran.

The event in Thornaby was a huge success, with thousands of people turning out to enjoy the show. The fireworks display was set to music and featured a wide variety of colors and patterns.

The crowd cheered and gasped as the fireworks lit up the sky. The display was particularly impressive over the cricket pitch, which provided a perfect backdrop for the show. In addition to the fireworks display, the event also featured a variety of other activities, including food, a bar, fairground rides, and a music.

The fireworks display was a great way to celebrate the start of the festive season and was enjoyed by people of all ages. It was a truly magical evening and will be remembered for a long time to come.

Last Updated on 13 November 2023