The Environment Agency has issued an amber alert for high water levels at areas surrounding the River Tees on Monday evening due to high tides. Flooding is possible at riverside footpaths and low-lying land between 3.45pm and 4.45pm – with Seal Sands, Teesside Park, the Middlehaven Dock, and Port Clarence areas all being included in the alert.

However, a more severe red warning was issued for the Tees Estuary at Billingham, where flooding is expected to hit industrial properties in Billingham Reach Industrial Estate during the same time frame. The red warning means people should ‘act now’ and take appropriate steps to preserve life and property.

Middlesbrough College is among the properties impacted by the amber alert, and has confirmed that as a precaution to ensure safety of staff and students it planned to close MC6, MC Digital, Construction, and the Main Building at 2pm today. The Stem Centre and 2QS Adult & Community Learning will remain open, according to a post on it’s social media page on Facebook.
All evening classes scheduled to take place on Monday evening have been cancelled. A statement said: “If the flood alert is still in place on Tuesday, we will be asking staff to park in the Middlesbrough Football Club car park.

Flooding also closed Riverside Park Road in Middlesbrough as crews worked to clear the floodwater and minimise it’s impact on local businesses and road users.
Sections of the B6541 Middlesbrough/Stockton Road known locally as “the wilderness road” was also affected by flooding with drivers struggling to negotiate the waterlogged carriageway near to Teesside Park.

Photos below show high river level at the Port of Middlesbrough just north of Central Middlesbrough.

The “old River Tees” which runs along the rear of Teesside Park burst it’s banks during the timeframe of the red alert.