Motorists across Teesside are facing a pothole crisis. Shrinking budgets and increased traffic are causing widespread damage to our region’s roads. These road hazards aren’t just a nuisance – they pose a risk to vehicles and cyclists.

Councils up and down the country are facing a huge backlog of road repairs that have been exasperated by a harsh winter, heavy traffic and budget issues. 

Potholes are often formed by water ingress into the top layer of road source it then freezes and forms cracks and as traffic drives over it the road surface breaks up forming potholes and ruts.

Councils aim to fix potholes in a timely manner however due the number of repairs it’s taking longer than expected. 

TeesPix.Photo discovered these shockers:

Cunningham Drive / Tedder Avenue in Thornaby

LA: Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

Park Lane junction with Park Vale Road in Central Middlesbrough

LA: Middlesbrough Council

A172 Stokesley from Rudds Arms to A174 Parkway

LA: Middlesbrough Council

A172 Stokesley from Rudds Arms to A174 Parkway

LA: Middlesbrough Council

Ormesby Road at Unity City Academy

LA: Middlesbrough Council

A172 Longlands Road between Tesco Express and Marton Road

LA: Middlesbrough Council

There’s some light at the end of the tunnel. Middlesbrough Council has been busy resurfacing sections of Marton Road and Stainton Way for smoother journeys. Plus, resurfacing work starts soon on the A1032 Acklam Road, though expect delays.

This week will see resurfacing works taking place on the A1032 Acklam Road (between Barnaby Avenue and Kingsbridge Crescent roundabout). The carriageway will be fully closed with local diversions from 13th of March to 15th of March from 7:15 pm to just after Midnight then will be closed again from 18th to the 20th of March 7:15 pm to just after Midnight. Delays expected.

Have you spotted even worse potholes? Share your photos or the locations on social media and tag us! Let’s hold our councils accountable to make our roads safe again.

To find out information on roadworks in your area…

Middlesbrough and Stockton Councils have been approached for comment.