Furniture Express Stockton store frontage

In a startling twist of events, Furniture Express, a well-established furniture store in Stockton-on-Tees, has abruptly closed its doors, leaving many customers bewildered and without the furniture they had already placed deposits on. Frustration is brewing as customers report their unsuccessful attempts to get in touch with the store, and to compound matters, the shop’s Facebook page has mysteriously vanished.

A handwritten sign that now graces the shop window simply states, “Closed until further notice; all customers will be contacted.” In addition, an anonymous dissatisfied individual has pinned the names of the company’s directors, Michael Harrington and John Currell, accompanied by a placard reading “Rip Off Merchants”

Furniture Express had been a prominent feature of Stockton-on-Tees since its establishment in 2013 by Harrington and Currell, who have also previously operated stores in Hartlepool and Sunderland.

This abrupt closure has sent shockwaves through the local community and left customers who had paid deposits for furniture they were eagerly awaiting feeling dismayed. Many have expressed their irritation and concern, with some resorting to social media to air their grievances and seek information.

Outside the locked doors of Furniture Express, we interviewed a customer who had diligently made significant payments on a payment plan. Requesting anonymity, the customer disclosed that she had already disbursed over £1500 towards her chosen furnishings, with a mere £100 left to settle. She voiced her profound scepticism about ever taking delivery of her sofa or reclaiming her hard-earned money. “I’ve lost all hope of receiving my sofa or securing a refund at this stage,” she lamented, echoing the frustration and uncertainty pervading many others affected by the abrupt store closure.

Local authorities have initiated an investigation into the situation to ascertain if any consumer protection regulations have been infringed upon. Trading standards officers are actively encouraging affected customers to register their complaints, as they strive to safeguard consumer rights and expedite a resolution.

While the precise reasons behind Furniture Express’s unexpected closure remain shrouded in mystery, the community and the affected customers anxiously await further updates from the store’s management. The closure has left many pondering the fate of their deposits and the future of the business.

As this situation continues to develop, Stockton-on-Tees residents and patrons can only hope for a prompt resolution, with the affected individuals receiving the clarity and assistance they deserve.

Last Updated on 13 November 2023